İtalya Matera Avrupa Dayanışma Birliği Gönüllülük Faaliyeti - ESC

İtalya Matera bölgesinde 01/10/2020 – 30/06/2021 arasında European Solidarity Corps projesinde uzun dönem Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti – Avrupa Dayanışma Programı faaliyetinde bulunacak katılımcılar aranmaktadır!
“Il Sicomoro” is the Italian translation of the sycamore, which looks like a fig tree very popular in the Middle East: it is very common in the streets in Palestine, where it leaves splashes of colour on those biblical landscapes, apparently very similar to our Lucania. The Social Cooperative Il Sicomoro was born in Matera in 2003 from the Diocesan Caritas. Today, it is active in different municipalities in Basilicata diversifying its interventions in the third sector policies: projects for the reception of refugees and asylum seekers; management of nursing homes, job inclusion services for people with disadvantaged backgrounds and more. The volunteer will support the team in charge of the reception of migrants. In particular he/she will be involved in the activities organised for integration and inclusion of migrants into Italian society (Language Courses, home work support, artistic workshops, small events realization, support for bureaucracy, personal project development).
The hosting city Matera has been European Capital of Culture 2019. Volunteers will leave in Matera city centre, in a shared flat (double rooms) not far from the working place. The apartment is self- managed and the volunteer needs to share kitchen and bathroom with other ESC volunteers. There is no need for local transportation. Money for food will be provided by the host organization. As the rule of ESC program the volunteer receives 5€ per day for pocket money. Money is given in cash or, if the volunteer wishes, is sent via banks transfer. There are available bikes to use.
We would like to host a volunteer, who is interested in topics related to migration. He/she should have a particular interrest in spreading the values of inclusion, integration, equality and non-discrimination. Some other experiences in volunteering or Erasmu+ projects will be a plus. Moreover, the volunteer should speak English at least at intermediate level, the knowledge of other languages will be appreciated. It would be relevant for the volunteer to have some artistic skills in order for him/her to develop an artistic project with the migrants to present openly on the Refugee day in June.
Başvuru Bağlantısı: [Bağlantıyı görmek için giriş yapın]
Son Başvuru Tarihi: 30 Haziran 2020